What was the best present you ever received as a child? Write a description of when you received it and how you felt.
What was the best decision you ever made? Write a description of the circumstances that led to your decision and how you arrived at it.
Describe a walk you frequently used to take, such as the walk to school or to the home of a friend or relative. As you imagine yourself taking that walk again, what do you see? What do you feel?
Think of twenty questions you would like to ask a parent or other close relative. What do you think they would say? What would you like them to say?
Write down a dream you remember. What do you think it means?
Do you remember the first time you rode a bicycle? Describe that experience in detail. How did you feel?
Is there someone in the past who caused you pain, or whom you hurt in some way? What would you say to that person if you saw them now? Write down your thoughts.
If you had a time machine, what period of history would you like to visit? Why? What do you imagine it would have been like?
Did you ever have an experience that you felt was supernatural? Describe it. What did you learn from that experience?
If you have some old photographs, take them out and look at the people in them. Write down some specific things you remember about each person. If you could speak to those people now, what would you like to say to them?